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Reading or coaching

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Online reading

Online reading is a bit different than online coaching.


With online reading you send me a photo of you alone. No other energy/soul should stand on it.


You can add questions, but I only deal with them at the last, just as if you were in my practice. I don't want to be guided by questions, but by what your guides tell me. 


Is it just like a normal practice session?

Yes, only less personal and in practice people pick up on what I say more quickly. This is just different. But whether I have you sitting in front of me or I have you in a photo, it doesn't matter to your spiritual guides.


The duration is 60 minutes, concerns a prepayment per tikkie or bank. Your date will be recorded and you will receive an email that day with your answers. You can also ask 5 questions to this email.


Do you want an online reading? send me an email: and you will receive the information you need.


Practical information:

60 minutes at 75 euros


You can transfer it through the bank and you can use the following bank accoutnummer.

Name H.H.M van Diermen - Jorissen

NL 44ABNA 0449 3825 32

Please put your first and surname in the subject.


PayPal payment is also possible, but due the costs of Paypal we need to charge 80 euros for an online reading. 


Credit Card is possible via this link.


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Enkele online beleveingen van mensen

Lieve Hedwig, wat leuk om
dit allemaal te lezen, zo verhelderend en zo waar allemaal.
 Dank je wel voor je online reading.
Gr. Sarah
Hi Hedwig, from Africa
many thanks to read that they are ok and that you saw my uncle who past away many years ago. My mind is in peace. Kevin.
Dear Hedwig,
I didn't know what to aspect but you nailed it.
My father past away in a caraccident and the whole family went together on holliday.
Regards Sarin
Hi Hedwig,
I have indead a father that lives in Germany and you described the house exactly. I just started a business online and yes, I am afraid it will do me wrong. I will stay positive.
xxx Susan
Hoi Hedwig,
Ik zie inderdaad gedaantes en het beangstigd mij enorm. Heb ook mijn moeder voor mijn bed zien staan. 
Bedankt Erik
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